Monday, June 14, 2010

lil' fut academy

campeones! champions! ole.. ole... ole!!
This photo was taken in an orphanage that Sona and I frequent in Tijuana, Mexico. After a long day of helping around the cottage, it was time to play some futbol. Any chance that we get, we like to help out when needed. I always visit the children with gifts and free lessons in hopes that some of the children can go on to academies in their local towns and prove themselves or at the very least stay close to the game while earning wages once they leave.

1 comment:

  1. Nico is one of the most commited futbol coaches that I have had the oportunity of training with. Every aspect of the game is thoroughly covered within his program. I am satisfied with his program and have improved my game greatly. Futbol aside, Nico is a genuine person with a very positive attitude both on the field and off. Keep up the good work Nico!

